Shakoolie Blog
Is Noon Too Early For Happy Hour?
Some Once Asked Us "Do You Drink Beer In The Shower?"
This was our response:
Rock Beats Scissors, But Shower Beer Beats Everything!
Like that guy said, “When life hands you lemons, you make lemonade.” That’s the “responsible adult” thing right? Wrong! Screw lemonade, just like, give me a beer, man!...
Shower Beer Saturdays - Bell's Christmas Ale
Up this week is a Christmas Ale by Bell's Brewery. Pretty much anything these guys make is amazing. And their Christmas Ale is surely no disappointment. Cheers...
Which Beer Tastes Better: Cans or Bottles?
It's the age ole' argument. Which is better, canned beer or bottled beer? Of course everyone knows cans are made specifically for shower beers. But do they really...