Where Did the Shakoolie Come From?

Shakoolie is built on a simple principle—don't let a little thing like showering get in the way of drinking beers. Shakoolie lets you enjoy your favorite canned beverages in the shower.

For us, the shower beer started during our college years. Trips to the shower room meant a plastic shower caddy stocked with shampoo, body wash and, of course, a fresh, cold beer. But once in the shower, bending over and excess water led to a less than desirable experience—so we set out to fix that.

What we have come up with creates convenience and quality in your shower beverage experience. We know because we strive for that top-notch shower beer experience every time and have become avid users of the Shakoolie ourselves.

Who's Behind These Sweet Shakoolies?

Phil N.

"One late night after a long work day, I took my beer into the shower to relax. But there was a problem, I had nowhere to set that beautiful beverage. I stared at my beer, stared at the wall, and stared back at my beer. Then I held my shower beer against the wall and said 'What if I could just stick this to the wall?' That day, Shakoolie was born."

Zach W.

"The shower beer is different for everyone. It could be the end to a bad day or the start to a good day. Either way, it is a point of enjoyment for anyone who partakes. That's where Shakoolie focuses—let's make this experience that people look forward to better and easier."