Shower Beer Thursdays - Left Hand Brewing Co. Sawtooth Nitro

It's my favorite time of the week - Shower Beer Thursdays!

One might ask, what is Shower Beer Thursdays? Well my friends - it's a time to reflect on the work week, then remember tomorrow is Friday, and let the weekend begin.  

In other words, have a freaking beer because it's pretty much Friday (pseudo work days anyway, amirite?).

This week I went with the Left Hand Brewing Co. Sawtooth Nitro.

My thoughts? Meh.

It's pretty grassy. It's an ESB (strong bitter) which isn't my favorite in the first place. Something falls flat with me on the ESB style and this one in particular. But hey, the shower was hot, and the beer was ice cold. Which always helps. Imo a Budweiser would have been better in the shower - but I still have much love for Left Hand's other beers!

Showerbeerability*: 2.6 out of 5

*The new "Showerbeerability Scale" has officially been adapted by NASA 

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